Mobile Crew Catering

During scheduled rail closures and prolonged construction works, the need to maintain morale and productivity s paramount. Our servce will prevent the workforce having to leave site and our speed of service will ensure their downtime can be kept to a minimum.

Our 24 hour service booosts productivity enabling projects to stay on schedule and within budget. The experience we have gained working with Network Rail, Story Rail and Carillion will enable us to tailor our catering provision to your needs. We can ensure the workforce can have refreshments available day and night.

We have provided catering cover for Security Companies, County Councils and large Construction Companies for both long and short-term projects.

Emergency Response / Contingency Catering

When emergencies occur, the need for quick solutions is vital. Whenever possible we will always do our utmost to provide any catering solutions we can at short notice due to emergencies, cancellations or any other unforeseen circumstances. We are in the fortunate position of having a varied and flexible fleet so that we can usually help on such occasions. We have the ability to set up our catering quickly and efficiently, providing swift food cover in difficult situations. We know that such situations can be extremely stressful, so please contact us as soon as possible to discuss options.

Get in touch

T 07833 638 216